Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Long Story Short

In the fall of 2007 Melissa and I went into the studio with the plan of tracking a new worship album, but the Lord hijacked our plans with his dream.  When we thought the songs were coming to an end, Jesus walked through the walls of the studio and we realized the songs were just beginning.  The songs that we thought would only last a few minutes turned into ten and fifteen minute experiences.  At the end of those days in the studio we had collected two albums full of spontaneous and unplanned moments where heaven collided with our hearts. We released the albums later that year as "The Reward" and "Walk through the Walls." Within those two albums of extended worship are eleven songs that were forged and crafted in the eight years leading up to the moment the record light clicked on. The songs were fashioned in a wilderness and found in the middle

of storms. They are the songs of a journey. This year we decided to go back and collect the eleven songs from the extended moments of worship. We remixed and remastered them into beautiful and simple song length versions.  I love the way a song can squeeze the beauty of eternity into a few minutes. This collection of songs tells the story of our journey. This is our long story short.

You can pre-order this album at our online store at 

-Jonathan David 2011


  1. The Lord has had me on a journey which went to a new level August of 2009. It's been a season where God's closeness has been revealed in unexpected ways-- as though the very out-raying of His presence and love seemed to overshadow me continually. Yes, heaven itself invaded me on this journey. Your music has been a catalyst for me to breakthrough into a new place in Him.

  2. Hello! Grace and peace!

    My name is Joshua, I live in Brazil and am a fan of your work. Do not wait to be able to give you a hug. Dream to be able to participate in a conference of worship with you. Success!

